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The Complete Psychic Powers eBook Bundle

Get 10 eBooks on Psychic Powers & Supernatural Abilities

Why You Need This Bundle

To Learn How to Develop Your Very Own Natural Psychic Powers…

And Other Supernatural Abilities In The Shortest Time Possible!

Everyone has the potential to develop Shamanic Powers – and even greater.

As humans have become more focused upon material things, influenced by religion and have become more skeptical, these natural psychic abilities have been forgotten over time – but not lost.

The natural psychic abilities of most humans lie buried deep under layers of materialism and indoctrination, hibernating, just waiting to be rediscovered and brought to the fore once again.

As the saying goes “use it or lose it”.

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Here are just a few of the valuable Psychic Powers and other Abilities you could enjoy:

Clairvoyance: How to “See” beyond the physical worlds, often known as the “Astral Planes”

Clairaudience: How to “hear” people and other sounds from the Astral Planes, the afterlife

Clairsentience: How to “feel” and “sense” Energies from the inner planes of life

Psychic Mediumship: How to contact “deceased” people now living in the “afterlife”

Psychic Intuition: How to sense and interpret psychic Energy including events

Telepathy: How to communicate with other humans and other life with the Mind alone

Spirit Guides: How to communicate with your Spirit Guides and other Astral helpers

Higher-Self: How to communicate with your Higher-Self for valuable guidance and answers

Psychometry: How to “view” or sense past events by feeling an old object associated with it

And much more.

Developing Psychic Powers is also a route to other metaphysical abilities including:

  • Astral Projection
  • Out of Body Experiences
  • Lucid Dreaming
  • Channeling
  • Remote Viewing

Your Psychic Abilities can be of Tremendous Value in Your Own Life:

  • Discover the whereabouts of previously unknown items and people
  • Send a “psychic prompt” or message to someone to send a message or do something for you
  • Receive advice and a different perspective from your own “spirit guides”
  • Receive and decode valuable messages delivered in your dreams
  • Improve your health, relationships and lifestyle by getting answers fast

Note :- All 10 eBooks will send on your WhatsApp after successful payment

Book Description

Psychic Powers

Part I: The Foundation

Chapter 1: You Have Amazing Abilities

Chapter 2: What’s Different About This Book?

Chapter 3: My Own Journey of Discovery

Chapter 4: Short History of Psychic & Paranormal Abilities

Chapter 5: What’s the Science? Are the Skeptics Ever Right?

Chapter 6: Sex in Seances and Paranormal Experiences

Chapter 7: Categories of Psychic & Paranormal Abilities

Chapter 8: Connect Your Senses to Unleash Your Supernatural Gifts

Chapter 9: Focus is Essential…Usually

Chapter 10: Psychic Self-Defense

Part II. Personal Experiences, Including Discovery & Training Insights

Chapter 11: Empathy & Intuition

Chapter 12: Seeing, Feeling, & Reading the Aura

Chapter 13: Animal Whisperer

Chapter 14: Lucid Dreaming

Chapter 15: Disrupting Electrical Devices

Chapter 16: Earth Energy Sensitive

Chapter 17: Precognition

Chapter 18: Divine Intervention

Chapter 19:  Ki Force

Chapter 20: Astral Projection

Chapter 21: Biblioelucidation

Chapter 22: Faith, Spiritual & Auric Healing

Chapter 23: Dreams & Dream Interpretation

Chapter 24: Dowsing & Pendulums

Chapter 25: Clairvoyance Chapter 26: Insight Cards Chapter 27: Channeling

Chapter 28: Automatic Handwriting

Chapter 29: Telepathy Chapter 30: Telekinesis

Final Thoughts 

How Your Intuition Works

Part 1: Your Inner Psychic, Front Row and Center

Chapter 1: The Many Expressions of Psychic Awareness

Chapter 2: Obstacles to Developing Psychic Abilities and the Corresponding Gifts

Part 2: The Psychic Characteristics and Potential of Each Psychic Type

Chapter 3: Psychic Knowing (Mental Intuitive Type)

Chapter 4: The Psychic Heart (Emotional Intuitive Type)

Chapter 5: The Body as a Psychic Antenna (Physical Intuitive Type)

Chapter 6: Psychic Sight (Spiritual Intuitive Type)

Part 3: Increasing and Refining Psychic Power

Chapter 7: Practices and Techniques to Enhance Psychic Awareness

Chapter 8: Reading Yourself

Chapter 9: Reading Another

Part 4: Your Practice: Psychic Meditation Exercises

Chapter 10: Preparation for the Psychic Meditation Exercises and What to Expect

Chapter 11: Rainbow Meditation Exercise to Intuit Abundance and Finances

Chapter 12: Path Meditation Exercise to Intuit Career and Life Path

Chapter 13: Rose Meditation Exercise to Intuit Relationship Insights

Chapter 14: Elevator Meditation Exercise to Intuit Spiritual Guidance

Chapter 15: Going Backward Toward a Goal Meditation Exercise to Intuit Steps to Attain a Goal

Chapter 16: How to Receive and Interpret Psychic Information

The Art of Astral Travel

Part 1: Understanding Astral Projection

Chapter 1: My Astral Projection Experiences

Chapter 2: Astral Projection Basics

Part 2: Preparing to Project 

Chapter 3: Preparing Your Environment

Chapter 4: Preparing Yourself Energetically

Chapter 5: Sleeping and Astral Projection

Part 3: Achieving Separation

Chapter 6: Indicative Sensations

Chapter 7: Emotional Control

Chapter 8: Leaving Your Body

Part 4: Navigating the Astral Realms

Chapter 9: Traveling

Chapter 10: The Planes

Chapter 11: Interacting with People and the Environment

Part 5: Safe Traveling

Chapter 12: Protecting Yourself

Chapter 13: Interactions with Low Vibrational Beings

Chapter 14: Avoiding Astral Projection

Your Astral Projection Checklist 

Awaken Your Psychic Abilities

Chapter 1: Discover Your Hidden Psychic Talents

Chapter 2: Empathic Abilities

Chapter 3: Premonitions and Intuitive Hunches

Chapter 4: More Psychic Abilities and Practices

Chapter 5: Divination Techniques

Chapter 6: Psychic Adventures

Chapter 7: The Logical Mind and the Creative Mind

Chapter 8: Psychic Self-Defense and Cleansing

Chapter 9: Ghosts and Spirits

Chapter 10: Ethics, Protocol, and Responsibilities with Readings

Chapter 11: Standards and Challenges of Being Psychic

Beginners Psychic Development Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Altered States of Consciousness

Chapter 3: Sharpening Your First Five Senses

Chapter 4: Achieving Your Basic Psychic Level

Chapter 5: Psychic Shield

Chapter 6: Becoming a Psychic

Chapter 7: Visualization

Chapter 8: Psychic Healing

Chapter 9: Creating Your Psychic Goal Bowl

Chapter 10: Clairvoyance

Chapter 11: Telepathy

Chapter 12: Psychometry

Chapter 13: Astral Travel

Chapter 14: The Beach of Time

Chapter 15: Communication with People

Chapter 16: Communication with Entities

Chapter 17: Communication with Animals

Chapter 18: Solving Problems

Chapter 19: Your Warning System

Chapter 20: Psychic Traffic Control

Chapter 21: Psychic Wake-up Call

Chapter 22: Finding a Parking Space

Chapter 23: No Dozing Control

Chapter 24: Skill Improvement

Chapter 25: Reading/Studying

Chapter 26: Summary and a Look Forward


Awaken Your Third Eye

Chapter 1: What Your Third Eye Actually Is

Chapter 2: How Health & Diet Effects Third Eye Awakening

Chapter 3: Third Eye Awakening & the Importance of Meditation

Chapter 4: Some Third Eye Awakening Techniques

Chapter 5: Some Symptoms of Opening Your Third Eye

Chapter 6: Closing Your Third Eye & the Importance of Doing So

Chapter 7: Psychic Ability That Comes with Third Eye Awakening

Chapter 8: What to Remember about Third Eye Awakening


The Art of Clairvoyant Reading & Healing


Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: You Are Already Using Your Psychic Abilities

Chapter 3: Energy and Your Body 35

Chapter 4: MEI Pictures and Matching Pictures

Chapter 5: Clairvoyant Images


Chapter 6: Introduction to the Psychic Tools

Chapter 7: Psychic Tool 1-Grounding

Chapter 8: Psychic Tool 2-Self-Energizing Technique

Chapter 9: Psychic Tool 3-Neutrality

Chapter 10: Psychic Tool 4-Running Your Earth and Cosmic Energies

Chapter 11: Psychic Tool 5-Creating and Maintaining Boundaries

Chapter 12: Psychic Tool 6-Creating and Destroying


Chapter 13: Learning to Read Yourself

Chapter 14: How to Read Another Person

Chapter 15: Relationship Readings

Chapter 16: Navigational Tools

Chapter 17: Reading with Other Clairvoyants

Chapter 18: Reading Couples and Groups

Chapter 19: Reading and Healing Children


Chapter 20: Basic Clairvoyant Healing


Chapter 21: Psychic Ethics

Chapter 22: The Psychic Minority

Chapter 23: The Business of Spirituality

Chapter 24: Finding and Choosing a Psychic Reader

Chapter 25: Clairvoyant Training Schools


Telekinesis for Beginners


Chapter 1: Understanding the science of Telekinesis

Chapter 2: Preparing to perform Telekinesis

Chapter 3: Learning how to perform Telekinesis

Chapter 4: Telekinesis Exercises you can try out

Chapter 5: Common mistakes to avoid when learning Telekinesis

Final thoughts 

The Astral Guide

Chapter 1: An Introduction

Chapter 2: Out-of-Body Experiences

Chapter 3: Preparing for Astral Projection

Chapter 4: The Process of Astral Projection

Chapter 5: Checking Whether Out-of-Body Experiences Are Real

Chapter 6: Astral Travel

Chapter 7: Overcoming Some of the Obstacles to Astral Projection

Chapter 8: Dreams

Chapter 9: Out-of-Body and Dream Experiences

Chapter 10: The Influence of the Psyche

Chapter 11: Bad Dreams, Nightmares, and Sinister Entities

Chapter 12: Scientific Proof for Out-of-Body Experiences

Chapter 13: Near-Death Experiences

Chapter 14: Bringing the Mysteries of Dreams and OBEs into Daily Living


Ultimate Lucid Dreaming Guide

Chapter 1 – Eleven Signs You Are A Lucid Dreamer

Chapter 2 – Dreams Defined

Chapter 3 – Benefits of Lucid Dreaming

Chapter 4 – Total (Dream) Recall

Chapter 5 – Dream Signs

Chapter 6 – The Five Types of Dreams

Chapter 7 – Let’s Get WILD

Chapter 8 – DILD … Easy Lucidity

Chapter 9 – Controlling Your Dreams

Chapter 10 – The Scenery Is Bliss

Chapter 11 – Sexually Charged Lucid Dreams

Chapter 12 – Knowing You’re Dreaming

Chapter 13 – So You’re Dreaming … Now What?

Chapter 14 – Meditate Your Way to Lucid Dreams


Get All 10 eBooks in Just Rs 499

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The Complete Psychic Powers eBook Bundle

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